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St Patrick's PS, Glen, Maghera


2023/2024 School Year

28th May 2024
Today some lovely people from SENTINUS visited our classroom. We had fun building...
24th May 2024
We continued our fruit theme by looking at fruit pop art. We then painted our own....
24th May 2024
A busy week for our talented athlete! Firstly, she attended the 'Primary School...
24th May 2024
Well done to our 4 boys who all won Mathletic Certificates this week. Keep up the...
20th May 2024
Primary 1 made the most of the sunshine and brought their play outdoors.
17th May 2024
Huge Congratulations to our P5 pupil, Orla who is our first ever Legend Certificate...
17th May 2024
A brilliant outdoor play session this week for P3. P3 loved using the sticks to make...
17th May 2024
We had a fantastic outdoor play session this week! P2 loved our water station. There...
17th May 2024
We took advantage of the good weather and moved our learning outside! We really enjoyed...