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St Patrick's PS, Glen, Maghera

News - P6

2023/2024 School Year

9th Apr 2024
Today we had Aaron in from the Dairy Council to talk to the children about healthy...
7th Mar 2024
To celebrate "World Book Day" the children in Primary 6 read to the children in Primary...
27th Feb 2024
During the season of Lent, the children in Primary 6 pick a "Random Act of Kindness"...
27th Feb 2024
In our ICT lessons, we are currently learning to program the Maqueen Robot using...
27th Feb 2024
Frank Galligan had recently been in with us  to deliver the "Writers in School"...
2nd Feb 2024
At this week's assembly, our Ambassadors presented information and advice on being...
31st Jan 2024
1st Feb 2024 Today, the boys and girls  in Primary 6  made St Brigid's...
26th Jan 2024
A huge congratulations to our Credit Union Quiz Team who competed in the local ...